
Rebecca Stropoli

Rebecca Stropoli is a freelance writer and editor with a strong background in business and finance content. She creates and edits both consumer-facing and B2B content, working with clients including large financial institutions, trade magazines and startups.

Before committing to a freelance career, Rebecca spent almost eight years at Yahoo Finance. She helped launch YF’s personal finance portal and eventually became managing editor of the newsroom, overseeing breaking-news coverage, writing news stories, managing relationships with media partners and editing some of the top finance reporters in the industry.

Articles by Rebecca Stropoli

7 Reasons Why You Were Denied a Personal Loan (and 6 Ways to Fix It)

Being denied a personal loan can be frustrating, but it’s important to understand why you weren’t approved. Once you know the reasons why your application... read more

Line of Credit vs. Credit Card: Which Is Right for Me?

A line of credit and a credit card are similar. Each allows you to borrow money continuously until you hit your credit limit. You’ll make... read more

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