
Kali McFadden

Kali McFadden manages the production of LendingTree economic and industry research related to personal finance topics. She has a special interest in how Americans interact with debt and credit products.

Articles by Kali McFadden

What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Finances

Personal finance can be a very confusing, dull topic for many, so we carefully and methodically positioned our tongues into our cheeks (because we debt... read more

Places With the Most Student Debt

U.S. student loan debt hit the $1.5 trillion mark earlier this year, but Southerners appear to be shouldering more than their share. Student loan debt... read more

LendingTree Study: The Cost of Bankruptcy

Over 700,000 Americans submitted personal bankruptcy filings in 2017, at an average clip of 60,000 per month. And these are just the new filings, which... read more

Best Places for a Fresh Start

Whether you are looking to start fresh after paying off significant debts or you’re ready to launch a new career in a new place, the... read more

Which used car brands do borrowers stretch their finances most to buy?

Financing a car is one of the more significant financial decisions Americans make, and even those of us who try to save money by buying... read more

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