Articles by Julie Sherrier
65% of Americans Mistakenly Think Carrying A Credit Card Balance Helps Their Score
March 22, 2022
Americans are making credit card mistakes that are costing them money and impacting their credit scores, according to the latest LendingTree survey of 1,000+ Americans.... read more
COVID-19 and Credit Cards: Nearly Half Who Added Debt During Pandemic Blame Inflation
March 8, 2022
As we mark the two-year anniversary of the coronavirus pandemic shut downs, many Americans are still experiencing its financial and credit impact — but in... read more
46% of Parents Say Their Child Used Their Credit or Debit Card Without Permission, Racking Up $500+
March 1, 2022
“Where did that charge come from?” Nearly half of parents (46%) say that they’ve caught their kids secretly spending with their credit or debit cards... read more