
Julie Ryan Evans


  • Expertise: Personal finance, real estate, small business, investing
  • Education: Johns Hopkins University, University of Nebraska


Julie Ryan Evans is a freelance writer who has contributed to LendingTree for more than four years. She covers personal finance, investing, real estate, personal finance and a host of other topics. She also writes for other top publications, including USA Today, Realtor.com, Debt.com and many others.

Earlier in her career, Julie worked as a communications specialist at Microsoft and as press secretary to a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. She was also a senior editor and writer for online publications including CafeMom and SheKnows.

Julie earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Nebraska and a master’s degree in nonfiction writing from Johns Hopkins University.

Articles by Julie Ryan Evans

How Unemployment Can (and Can’t) Affect Your Credit

There are millions of people without jobs, and millions more facing real financial jeopardy should they lose their jobs tomorrow. That’s why it’s always good... read more

States Where Parents Who Receive Child Support Rely on It the Most

Americans pay a big chunk of change in child support each year — an estimated $19.5 billion in 2021 alone — but who pays how... read more

Workers Earn Average of 11% More By Switching Jobs and Moving, Data Shows

There’s something to be said about long-tenured employees. They know the ropes, have some seniority and are probably pretty comfortable. Still, there’s also something to... read more

Places Where People Spend Within Their Means

It may be easier said than done, but living within your means — that is, not spending more than you make — is paramount to... read more

The Most and Least Debt-Ridden Places in Texas

Everything is bigger in Texas, but does that mean debt is too? Texas is one of the most affordable states in the country, with a... read more

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